Welcome to Humboldt Econ!
Humboldt Economic Index
One of Cal Poly Humboldt's best-known ongoing, community-based research projects is the Humboldt Economic Index. Two students collect the data and write the economic report each month.
At Home in the Economics Department
Stop by the Economics Department to use the computers in the new Atkinson Room. Prof. Beth Wilson may have brought in some freshly baked cookies! Or join faculty and students off-campus to enjoy snacks and talk Economics at our next Econ Forum.
Ruprecht Research Assistantship
The Ruprecht Research Assistantship engages students in Economics research projects with faculty while providing a stipend to help with college costs. This hands-on learning opportunity helps students synthesize what they learn class.
Service Learning Course – ECON 470
Our small-urban location lets students in this course connect with top local business and government leaders as they complete their sustainable rural economic development project. Some students go on to work with their internship organizations during the summer or after graduation.
Capstone Projects
All economics majors take the Econ 490 Capstone Experience course before they graduate from Cal Poly Humboldt. Students find a project that "gives back" to the campus and community. Some examples are buying and retiring CO2 allowances from California’s cap and trade market, running the Department’s Economic Forum events, planning Alumni Speaker events, or writing the Short Run department newsletter.
Eureka CPI
Since 2013 students in the Department of Economics gather consumer prices in order to calculate the local inflation rate. We've recently expanded the project to over five hundred prices. In recent years the team leader is funded through the Ruprecht Research Assistantship.