What You'll Learn

The Economics Program at Cal Poly Humboldt is a unique educational opportunity that prepares students to leave with marketable skills and valuable experiences. Our distinctive expertise in sustainability at Cal Poly Humboldt equips students with a knowledge base that sets them apart from the standard economics major and a skillset that can be applied in any industry. In addition to the rigor and interdisciplinary nature of Economics courses offered here, numerous chances to succeed above and beyond the classroom are available to every student. The instructors at Humboldt, especially in the Economics program, have a deep personal commitment to student success and go the extra mile to make sure student understanding is a priority. Our program's small class sizes complement this dedication to student success by enabling the instructors to address every student's needs.

We have specifically defined the learning outcomes we aim for with every student, and by the end of your education you will be able to demonstrate:

  • Mastery of core microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts, including application and conceptual analysis in evaluating real-world issues/problems.
  • Mastery of computational analysis, including solving problems using economic tools and methods.
  • Effective communication through written summary/analysis and descriptive research papers and oral presentations.
  • The ability to present themselves professionally in the job market.


Some of the things that students and alumni have said about the Economics program:

"The professors are competent, passionate, willing to help, and very rigorous.”

“Accessible and knowledgeable faculty”

“All of the professors are approachable and personable”

“In hindsight, the best aspects of the Econ program have been my Professors. The content was challenging and I felt like having support directly from my Professor was key.”

“The professors are amazing. Very rarely have I had teachers I appreciate as people. They were all incredibly helpful and the small department really made it easy to get to know everyone.”

“The best aspects are the service learning projects and the applications to real world (i.e. Fed symposium)”

“The great part was all of the interdisciplinary classes that incorporate the context in which economics operates.”