Areas to Support
Your gift helps ensure meaningful, positive, educational experiences for Humboldt Economics students.
Student Scholarships
We have three scholarships that financially support our students!
Student Success
These funds directly help support our Econ students and improve their academic experience!
The Dr. Ted Ruprecht Research Assistantship in Economics: This fund allows us to fund 2-3 students per year to work with faculty and/or community on research projects. Such hands-on learning opportunities for undergrads is a key strength of our program!
Give now to the Dr. Ted Ruprecht
Research Assistantship in Economics
Atkinson Student Opportunities Fund: This is a flexible fund that allows us to support students with speakers, food for our Econ forums, our Senior dinner, food for department evenets, etc.
Give now to the Atkinson Economics
Student Opportunities Fund
Atkinson Students Workspace Fund: This fund supports computers and upgrades to the student workspace in our office suite. Student gather to study, work on group projects, and socialize with each other, thus building lasting relationships!
Student/Faculty Research
The Bob Dickerson – Frank Jewett Economics Faculty Research Fund: This fund provides faculty with a much needed course release to work on their research, which often involves students funded via the Ruprecht Assistantship. This fund has been essential to help us beef up our scholarly output!
Give now to the Bob Dickerson - Frank Jewett
Economics Faculty Research Fund