Econ Forum
The Econ Forum was started in 2007 to provide an opportunity for students and faculty to meet in a casual setting to discuss current topics of interest. Since that time, two seniors each year take on the job of coordinating that year's Econ Forums. Each Forum starts with an article to serve as the jumping off point for the discussion. So far in the 2015-2016 academic year, we have discussed the Saudi Oil Dilemma and the Development of Mexico.
Examples of discussion topics and articles we have used recently
Russian Sanctions: What has been the effect of sanctions on Russia? Articles included: “Sanctions Against Russia: How businesses linked to blacklisted oligarchs avoid western sanctions” from The Economist printed edition, 2/14/2015, and “What’s Been the Effect of Western Sanctions on Russia?” from Frontline interview on 1/13/2015 with Andes Aslund.
The Price of Oil: The winners and the losers. Articles included were “The Cost of Cheap Gas," Time Magazine, and “Oil Back Below $50 as OPEC Hope Fades,” CNBC.
The Grexit: The battle over the Euro--Greece vs Europe. Articles included "IU, IMF Bail Out Greece During Debt Crisis," "Go ahead, Angela, make my day" from the Economist, and "Ending Greece's Nightmare" by Paul Krugman from the 1/26/2015 New York Times Opinion Pages. View all three articles online here.
The economics of lethal disease outbreaks: the case of Ebola. "The Ebola Crisis" from the Economist and "Ebola: Economic impact already serious; could be catastrophic without swift response" from The World Bank. View both articles online here.
The economics of of a water crisis and the role of economics in resolving water scarcity. "California areas brace for water rationing as reservoir levels fall" from the LA Times and "Water Resources Issues" by Timothy H. Quinn. View both online here.
The economic impact of Wal-Mart on small towns and issues associated with the company as a whole.
Wal-Mart: How big can it grow?," a special report in The Economist; and "Is Wal-Mart good for America?," an article from Frontline. View them online HERE
Issues of child poverty in the United States and the economic measures needed to mitigate them.
"The Anti-Econmomist: Problem Number One" by Jeff Madrick.
Climate Change and the Economy of the Future
Scientists Seek Strategy to Convey Seriousness of Sea-Level Rise (ClimateWire) and Sea Level Rise (Greenpeace)
Do You Procrastinate? Want to Figure Out Why?
The Problem of Procrastination and Self-Control by Dan Ariely from Predictably Irrational
Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?
Journalist Evaluates Obama, Romney Economic Plans by David Leionhardt
Power, Prosperity, and Poverty
The wealth of nations - A review of why nations fail
Is student debt the next bubble?
Is student loan debt the next financial crisis? As college student debt grows, is it worth it?