Beth Wilson
Professor Wilson is interested in international and developmental economics, and because of this, she became a Peace Corps volunteer from 1986-88 in Niger, Africa. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Oregon in 1995, and prior to coming to Humboldt in 2001, taught at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio and at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. She is committed to providing a high-quality learning experience for her students and won a campus-wide award for her efforts on providing education to the disabled.
Professor Wilson teaches development economics, intermediate microeconomics, international economics, and principles of economics. She also developed and regularly teaches our only service learning course, sustainable rural economic development. Beth is a faculty advisor for the international studies major and occasionally teaches one of their core courses on international political economy.
Professor Wilson has published articles in the Review of Economics and Statistics and a number of journals associated with the American Real Estate Society. She has provided economic impact analyses for local non-profit organizations and contributed to an edited volume on Service Learning. Her most recent research interests focus on the scholarship of teaching and sustainable rural economic development.
Beth Wilson and Sarah Rossig
Does Supplemental Instruction for Principles of Economics Help Close the Gap for Traditionally Underrepresented Minorities?
Working Paper
Beth Wilson
Nov 2011
Teaching Sustainable Rural Economic Development Using Service-Learning Pedagogy
T. McDonald & G. Eisman (Eds), Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Multidisciplinary Perspectives through Service Learning, ch 11. Virginia: Stylus Publishing
Beth Wilson and Jim Frew
Apartment Rents and Locations in Portland Oregon A Comparison: 1992-2002
Journal of Real Estate Research, 29:2
Beth Wilson
The Economic Impact Report of Loans Made by Arcata Economic Development Corporation (AEDC)
Beth Wilson
The Economic Impact Report of the Ingomar Theater Renovation
Beth Wilson and Jim Frew
Estimating the Connections Between Location and Property Value
Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education, 5(1)
Beth Wilson and Jim Frew
Transportation Routes, Apartment Rents and the Assessment of Value
Essays in Honor of James A Graaskamp: Ten Years After, Research Issues in Real Estate, Vol. 5, sponsored by the American REal Estate Society, Norwell: Kluwer Academic Publisher
Beth Wilson, Joe Stone, and James Ziliak
Spatial Dynamics and Heterogeneity in the Cyclicality of Real Wages
The Review of Economics and Statistics, 81(2), pp.227-236
Beth Wilson
February 2008
Economic Impact and Input-Output Analysis
Presented at the Mathematics Colloquium, Cal Poly Humboldt