Erick Eschker

Professor & Chair


Professor Eschker was the 2022 Bob Dickerson-Frank Jewett Economics Faculty Research Fellow, with funding generously provided by Humboldt alumnus Don Lewis. For his fellowship project, his student research assistants and he greatly expanded the scope of the Eureka Cost of Living Project.

Professor Eschker arrived at Humboldt in 1998 after teaching at Bates College in Maine. He is the Director of the Humboldt Economic Index, a monthly online publication which shows trends in a variety of sectors, including housing, manufacturing and retail. Two student research assistants are employed on the project. He is also the founding Co-Director of the Humboldt Institute for Interdisciplinary Marijuana Research.

Areas of Interest: 

Professor Eschker's research interests include regional economic analysis, cannabis policy, real estate and housing, health care, entrepreneurship, and generational accounting. He has worked with undergraduate economics majors on a variety of published research projects.  He has also studied worker productivity in the National Basketball Association and in local gasoline and housing markets. 

In fall, 2023, Professor Eschker joined the Million Dollar Club, which recognizes Cal Poly Humboldt primary investigators who have secured over $1 million in external funding. In spring 2004, Professor Eschker was awarded a President McCrone Promising Faculty Scholars Award, and he spent his sabbatical at the Center for Population Economics at the University of Chicago. From 2005-2006, he was a research economist at the American Medical Association. In 2011-12 he was a visiting professor at Sacramento State University. Professor Eschker has published in journals including Applied Economics and Public Budgeting and Finance. He wrote the study guide for "The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets" by Frederic Mishkin, and he has given papers at The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, the Western Economic Association Annual Meetings and the Social Science History Association Meetings.


Student research assistants are part of much of Professor Eschker's research.

Here are some examples of his research:

Erick Eschker, CO-PI with Gregg Gold and Joshua Zender, 2023-25. Hemp Entrepreneurs, grant with the Agricultural Research Institute, California State University.

Erick Eschker, CO-PI with Gregg Gold and Joshua Zender
Cannabis Entrepreneurs and Jobs, grant with the California Bureau of Cannabis Control.

Erick Eschker with J. Zender, A. Frankovsky and G. Gold.
Perspectives from Cannabis Industry Insiders The National Social Science Journal, 2023, vol. 59, issue 2, pp. 62-73.

Erick Eschker with E. Porse et al.
Adapting Wastewater Management Systems in California for Water Conservation and Climate Change. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure.

Erick Eschker, with Jonathan Kaplan
Urban Water Retailers and Conservation, Standardized Regulatory Impact Assessment, contract with the California Water Resources Control Board.

Erick Eschker with William Fisher and Liam O'Brian (student)
COVID-19 and Electricity Use in Humboldt County, contract with the Redwood Coast Energy Authority.

Erick Eschker, PI
Hospitals, Standardized Regulatory Impact Assessment, contract with the California Department of Public Health.

Erick Eschker, PI
Adult Use Manufactured Cannabis, Standardized Regulatory Impact Assessment, contract with the California Department of Public Health.

Erick Eschker, PI
Medical Manufactured Cannabis, Standardized Regulatory Impact Assessment, contract with the California Department of Public Health.

Erick Eschker with Gregg Gold and Michelle Lane
Rural Entrepreneurs: What Are the Best Indicators of Their Success? . Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, vol. 24, issue 2 pp. 278-296.

Erick Eschker with Charles Kaplan
A General Economy of Marijuana: Implications for Legalization, Quarterly Journal of the American Institute for Progressive Democracy, October,
pp. 33-47.

Erick Eschker with Josh Meisel
Introduction to Special Issues on Current Perspectives on Marijuana and Society
The Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, issue 35, pp. 1-4
PDF: Introduction to Special Issues on Current Perspectives on Marijuana and Society

Erick Eschker

Real Estate Economics
Invited Chapter in 21st Century Economics: A Reference Handbook, Rhona Free, ed., Sage

Erick Eschker
Fiscal Redistribution by Age and Generational Inequality in the Twentieth Century
Cal Poly Humboldt Digital Scholar Working Paper #189
PDF: Fiscal Redistribution by Age and Generational Inequality in the Twentieth Century

Erick Eschker with Lara Remke (student)


Ethanol and Competition in a Rural Gasoline Market: A Descriptive Case Study of Eureka, California
Northwest Journal of Business and Economics 

Erick Eschker with Soren Messner-Zidell (student)
Is There a Housing Bubble in Humboldt County? The Housing Market in a Rural California Region, 1989-2004
Cal Poly Humboldt Digital Scholar Working Paper #190
PDF: Is There a Housing Bubble in Humboldt County?

Erick Eschker with David Berri
Performance When it Counts? The Myth of the Prime-Time Performer in Professional Basketball
Journal of Economic Issues, September, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 798-807

Erick Eschker
Generational Accounting and the Saving Rate Decline, 1960-2000
Public Budgeting and Finance, March, vol. 25, no. 1, pp, 46-65 

Erick Eschker with Steve Perez and Mark Siegler
The NBA and the Influx of International Basketball Players
Applied Economics, June, vol. 36, issue 10, pp. 1009-1020

Erick Eschker
The Characteristics of Countries with Generational Account Imbalances
Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, March, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 39-57

Professor Eschker's CV

B.A. University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, 1989
M.A. and Ph.D, University of California at Davis, 1992 and 1997
Erick Eschker, Ph.D
(707) 826-3216
Siemens Hall 206B
Office Hours: Online by appointment only. Email to set up an appointment.