Darby Lawrence

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Class of 2019

Darby Lawrence graduated in 2019 and, after a short 3-month job search, started working as a trading operations specialist for a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) firm. After gaining experience in finance and data analysis, she hopes to go to graduate school. “I really want to get my PhD in Economics, it's kind of a life dream, but you know I want to get more experience in the private field, before I apply to any PhD programs.”

On the Marketability of the Economics Degree

Darby found her Econ degree to be extremely marketable. “Econ gets… your foot in the door [where] a business degree or a marketing degree won't… [because, employers] see that you have a technical know-how and that you're good at learning… Econ is a fairly intensive degree… so to be able to get… a decent GPA in that field… shows that you have a well-rounded understanding of business… [and] you can learn difficult subject matter well.”

“Econ teaches you how to think critically and hands down that's going to be the most important life skill that you develop… how to learn and how to figure things out and when to ask questions and when to look for help.”

However, she also highlights the importance of getting involved and being well rounded. “I didn't just have my Econ degree, I made sure to take complete advantage of everything at Humboldt.”

She was President of the Business & Economics (B&E) club, a tutor for Econ 210 and 310, and took advantage of the department’s many hands-on learning opportunities. For example, she worked on the Humboldt Economic Index and took the Econ 470S service-learning course where she worked for the City of Arcata on their Climate Action Plan. She also worked on the Eureka CPI for her Senior Capstone project in Econ 490. In addition, she acted as an Ambassador for the Econ department and made several presentations informing prospective students about the purpose of an economics degree and resources within the Econ department. “The [Econ] degree’s extremely important to show that you have functional work skills, but to be able to show that you are a well-rounded individual with people skills and the ability to work well with others and to be a self-starter… is invaluable and very attractive to a lot of employers.”

Would Darby recommend the Humboldt Economics program?

“I would 200% [recommend the Humboldt Econ program]. I had the absolute best time there.

I still remember all of the professors that I had with great fondness they were some of my favorite people. The opportunities that I had to learn and do things and just, the help I had and everything was just so wonderful.”

She also really liked our focus on sustainability. “I love how much focus there was on the environmental part of economics, which is part of what attracted me to the program in the first place.”

“All around I think it is a fantastic program for the size.”

On advice for a new student at Humboldt

“Have fun with your degree - take good classes - take interesting classes - follow your passions. [But,] make sure to not just focus on the classes, do the social aspect as well. The extracurriculars show that you are well-rounded.” Students should take full advantage of the many resources and opportunities that the Econ department provides.

Networking is also key to your success in school and in life. “Join clubs! Do things that interest you, talk to people because that's going to… get you good connections… [and] develop a personable skill set which is extremely important in [the] hiring process.”

And “don't just stop doing these things when you leave college… get involved with your Community. Look for groups that have interests that you enjoy. Like right now, I’m a part of the Sunrise Movement [a climate change activist group]… whose values really align with what I believe.”